Simon Jelley


Simon Jelley spearheads the team researching, testing and implementing AI at 42T, a cross-industry technology consultancy with a strong track record in the field of printing.  Simon is a leading innovator, combining sharp technical skills across a broad range of fields with a keen eye for matching technologies with applications, and solving needs at a conceptual level with structured innovation. He has a deep understanding of the behaviour of fluids and heat transfer, and his experience and scientific understanding cross over into broader areas such as mechanism design, sensing, optics, acoustics and electronics enabling him to bridge between fields to give a more complete system-level view to development. He has applied these skills in a wide range of industries from groundbreaking process equipment for the manufacturing of foods and other FMCG, novel inspection vision systems, packaging design and decoration, consumer products, industrial tools, medical devices and even the design of payload deployment systems for space vehicles.

Simon is also an experienced innovation facilitator and helps educate best practices for innovation techniques. He is a strong proponent of structured innovation, and paired with a strong insight into the world of patents this gives a powerful capability to innovate ways of achieving functionality without infringing IP.

Talk Title:

What is Innovation?

In today's VUCA (Volatile, Uncertain, Complex, and Ambiguous) world, it can be tempting to avoid innovation due to the fear of failure and the perceived risk of making a catastrophic mistake that could harm our business. However, the real danger lies in not innovating at all. Failing to innovate is equivalent to failing to lead, and despite uncertainty, innovation remains as crucial as ever.

In this exciting session, Simon and Peter from 42 Technology explore the question, "What is Innovation?" They explain the different types of innovation, the innovation process, the importance of having a plan, and the crucial role of the right culture for ideation and problem-solving. We discuss how to create original and commercially viable ideas, the significance of having the right mix of people for success, and how innovation is evolving with exciting technologies like AI.


Minna Philipson


Rob Karpenko